I Wrote A Book!

I published a book of poems and short stories which can be purchased on Amazon.

I am including the preface below:

The words in your hands are excerpts from my journal.

These words are, more than anything, a documentation of who I have been while becoming who I am. I’m not done doing that, yet.

These words are my thoughts from ages 17 to 19.

These words are shared with you as an act of acceptance.

Each piece of writing included in this book has a timestamp. I have come to value time as an essential definition of my present state. I find comfort in making note of the precise minute in which words come to me, as if that knowledge will somehow allow me to relive the words more authentically.

I am reminded of the precision of timestamps on birth and death certificates, and I have come to think of these words as birth and death certificates of past and future selves, tumultuously ever-changing. Writing the timestamp is my way of feeling in control during the fluid and rapid process of change that has become my definition of aliveness.
